Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Geometry.SurfLine.comp_point_ref

from numpy import array, sum, exp, angle, min as np_min, max as np_max, argmin

[docs]def comp_point_ref(self, is_set=False): """Compute the point ref of the Surface Parameters ---------- self : SurfLine A SurfLine object is_set: bool True to update the point_ref property Returns ------- point_ref : complex the reference point of the surface """ middle_array = array([line.get_middle() for line in self.get_lines()]) point_ref = sum(middle_array) / middle_array.size # Use another method if the point is not is the surface if not self.is_inside(Z=point_ref, if_online=False): middle_array_abs = abs(middle_array) # Find "min abs" middle mid_id = argmin(middle_array_abs) Zmid = middle_array[mid_id] H = np_max(middle_array_abs) - np_min(middle_array_abs) point_ref = (abs(Zmid) + H / 100) * exp(1j * angle(Zmid)) if is_set: self.point_ref = point_ref return point_ref