Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Import.ImportGenMatrixSin.init_vector

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ....Classes.ImportGenVectSin import ImportGenVectSin
from ....Methods.Import.ImportGenMatrixSin import InitSinMatDimError

[docs]def init_vector(self, f, A, Phi, N, Tf): """Create the sin_list according to the input list Parameters ---------- self : ImportGenMatrixSin An ImportGenMatrixSin object f: list list of frequency for the sinus A: list list of amplitude for the sinus Phi: list list of phase for the sinus N: int Number of point (same for all the sinus) Tf: float End time (same for all the sinus) """ if len(f) != len(A): raise InitSinMatDimError("ERROR: f and A have different dimensions") if len(f) != len(Phi): raise InitSinMatDimError("ERROR: f and Phi have different dimensions") self.sin_list = list() for ii in range(len(f)): self.sin_list.append( ImportGenVectSin(f=f[ii], A=A[ii], Phi=Phi[ii], N=N, Tf=Tf) )