Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.Bore.merge_slot_connect

from numpy import pi, exp

from ....Functions.Geometry.cut_lines_between_angle import cut_lines_between_angles
from ....Classes.Segment import Segment

[docs]def merge_slot_connect(self, radius_desc_list, prop_dict, sym): """Merge the Bore shape with notches/slot on the bore/yoke Connect method: Add lines between radius and notch/slot (To use when the radius shape have circular part matchine the radius or when radius lines are bellow normal radius) Parameters ---------- radius_desc_list : list List of dict to describe the bore/yoke radius prop_dict : dict Property dictionary to apply on the radius lines (not on slot/notch) sym : int Symmetry factor (1= full machine, 2= half of the machine...) Returns ------- line_list : list List of lines needed to draw the radius """ # Get all Radius lines (0 to 2*pi) radius_lines = self.get_bore_line() # Update begin and end angle if Radius (next step already cut lines) if sym != 1 and radius_desc_list[0]["label"] == "Radius": radius_desc_list[0]["begin_angle"] = 0 if sym != 1 and radius_desc_list[-1]["label"] == "Radius": radius_desc_list[-1]["end_angle"] = 2 * pi / sym # Replace Arc radius from desc by lines from shape for desc_dict in radius_desc_list: if desc_dict["label"] == "Radius": desc_dict["lines"] = cut_lines_between_angles( radius_lines, desc_dict["begin_angle"], desc_dict["end_angle"] ) # If slot/notch are coliding with sym lines => Cut if sym != 1: # Cut first desc (if needed) if radius_desc_list[0]["begin_angle"] < 0: lines = list() for line in radius_desc_list[0]["lines"]: top_split_list, _ = line.split_line(0, 1) lines.extend(top_split_list) radius_desc_list[0]["begin_angle"] = 0 radius_desc_list[0]["lines"] = lines # Cut last desc (if needed) if radius_desc_list[-1]["end_angle"] > 2 * pi / sym: lines = list() for line in radius_desc_list[-1]["lines"]: _, bot_split_list = line.split_line(0, exp(1j * 2 * pi / sym)) lines.extend(bot_split_list) radius_desc_list[-1]["end_angle"] = 2 * pi / sym radius_desc_list[-1]["lines"] = lines # Apply merge strategy on slot/notch line_list = list() for ii, desc_dict in enumerate(radius_desc_list): if desc_dict["label"] == "Radius": # Add prop_dict on all the Radius Lines if prop_dict is not None: for line in desc_dict["lines"]: if line.prop_dict is None: line.prop_dict = dict() line.prop_dict.update(prop_dict) line_list.extend(desc_dict["lines"]) else: # Connect and add notch lines if len(line_list) > 0: # Connect Radius to slot/notch by Segment (if needed) if ( abs(line_list[-1].get_end() - desc_dict["lines"][0].get_begin()) > 1e-6 ): line_list.append( Segment( line_list[-1].get_end(), desc_dict["lines"][0].get_begin() ) ) line_list.extend(desc_dict["lines"]) # Connect slot/notch to next radius if ( abs( radius_desc_list[ii + 1]["lines"][0].get_begin() - desc_dict["lines"][-1].get_end() ) > 1e-6 ): line_list.append( Segment( desc_dict["lines"][-1].get_end(), radius_desc_list[ii + 1]["lines"][0].get_begin(), ) ) return line_list