Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.BoreSinePole.get_pole_shape
from ....Methods import ParentMissingError
from numpy import arccos, cos, sin
[docs]def get_pole_shape(self, phi):
"""Return the complex coordinates of the point at phi
self : BoreSinePole
A BoreSinePole object
phi : float
Angle where to compute the point [rad]
Z : complex
Coordinates of the requested point
if self.parent is not None:
Rbo = self.parent.get_Rbo()
raise ParentMissingError("Error: The slot is not inside a Lamination")
# limit phi to valid values
phi_max = arccos(self.delta_d / (self.delta_d + Rbo)) / self.k
phi = max(-phi_max, phi)
phi = min(phi_max, phi)
# compute the point on the bore radius arc
delta = self.delta_d / cos(phi * self.k)
r = Rbo + self.delta_d - delta
x = r * cos(2 * phi / self.N)
y = r * sin(2 * phi / self.N)
return x + 1j * y