Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.comp_angle_d_axis
from numpy import abs as np_abs, angle as np_angle, pi
[docs]def comp_angle_d_axis(self, is_plot=False):
"""Compute the angle between the X axis and the first d+ axis
By convention a "Tooth" is centered on the X axis
self : LamSlotWind
A LamSlotWind object
is_plot : bool
True to plot d axis position regarding unit mmf
d_angle : float
angle between the X axis and the first d+ axis
if self.winding is None or self.winding.qs == 0 or self.winding.conductor is None:
return 0
p = self.get_pole_pair_number()
MMF, _ = self.comp_mmf_unit(Nt=100, Na=400 * p)
# Get angle values
results1 = MMF.get_along("angle[oneperiod]")
angle_stator = results1["angle"]
# Get the unit mmf FFT and wavenumbers
results = MMF.get_along("wavenumber")
wavenumber = results["wavenumber"]
mmf_ft = results[MMF.symbol]
# Find the fundamental harmonic of MMF
indr_fund = np_abs(wavenumber - p).argmin()
phimax = np_angle(mmf_ft[indr_fund])
# Get the angle for which mmf is max
# MMF_max = A*cos(p*d_angle + phimax) which is maximum for p*d_angle + phimax = 2*pi
d_angle = ((2 * pi - phimax) / p) % (2 * pi / p)
if is_plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import squeeze, argmax, cos
# Reconstruct fundamental MMF wave
magmax = np_abs(mmf_ft[indr_fund])
mmf_waveform = magmax * cos(p * angle_stator + phimax)
# Get the first angle where mmf is max
I_max = argmax(mmf_waveform)
d_angle0 = angle_stator[I_max] # d_angle0->d_angle when Na->inf
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
angle_stator, squeeze(MMF.get_along("angle[oneperiod]")[MMF.symbol]), "k"
ax.plot(angle_stator, mmf_waveform, "r")
ax.plot([d_angle, d_angle], [-magmax, magmax], "--k")
ax.plot([d_angle0, d_angle0], [-magmax, magmax], "--b")
return d_angle