Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.comp_resistance_wind
[docs]def comp_resistance_wind(self, T=20):
"""Compute the DC winding resistance per phase without skin effect at average temperature T degC
self : LamSlotWind
a LamSlotWind object
T : float
mean winding temperature [°C], default value is 20°C
R : float
DC winding resistance per phase without skin effect [Ohm]
Zs = self.slot.Zs
Ntspc = self.winding.comp_Ntsp(Zs)
# length of the stack including ventilation ducts
L1vd = self.comp_length()
# end-winding length on one side for a half-turn
# TODO implement endwinding length (return Enforced endwinding length)
Lew = self.winding.comp_length_endwinding()
# average length of a lamination winding half-turn (one "go" conductor
# without "return" conductor)
Lwht = L1vd + 2 * Lew
# Active surface of conductor
Sact = self.winding.conductor.comp_surface_active()
# temperature coefficient and electrical conductivity
rhow = self.winding.conductor.cond_mat.elec.get_resistivity(T_op=T, T_ref=20)
# DC winding resistance per phase at specified temperature
R = (1.0 / self.winding.Npcp) * rhow * (Ntspc * 2 * Lwht) / (Sact)
return R