Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.LamSquirrelCage.comp_masses

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ....Classes.LamSlot import LamSlot

[docs]def comp_masses(self): """Compute the Lamination masses Parameters ---------- self : LamSquirrelCage A LamSquirrelCage object Returns ------- M_dict: dict Lamination mass dictionary (Mtot, Mlam, Mwind, Mring) [kg] """ if self.is_stator: lam_name = "Stator" else: lam_name = "Rotor" M_dict = LamSlot.comp_masses(self) if self.winding is not None: # Check if self.winding.conductor.cond_mat.struct.rho is None: mat_name = str( raise Exception( "Error: The " + lam_name + " winding conductor material (" + mat_name + ") is not fully defined. Please set struct.rho" ) # Compute L_dict = self.comp_lengths_winding() Mwind = ( self.winding.conductor.comp_surface_active() * self.get_Zs() * self.winding.conductor.cond_mat.struct.rho * L_dict["Lwht"] ) else: Mwind = 0 # Adding Short circuit ring # Check if self.ring_mat.struct.rho is None: mat_name = str( raise Exception( "Error: The " + lam_name + " Short circuit ring material (" + mat_name + ") is not fully defined. Please set struct.rho" ) Sring = self.comp_surface_ring() Lring = self.comp_length_ring() Mring = Sring * Lring * self.ring_mat.struct.rho M_dict["Mtot"] += Mwind + Mring M_dict["Mwind"] = Mwind + Mring M_dict["Mring"] = Mring return M_dict