Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.LamSquirrelCage.comp_resistance_wind
from numpy import pi, sin
[docs]def comp_resistance_wind(self, T=20):
"""Computation of the equivalent rotor resistance per phase of a cage winding with 'qs' number of phases
self : LamSquirrelCage
A LamSquirrelCage object
T : float
mean winding temperature [°C], default value is 20°C
Rrot: float
resistance of the rotor [Ohm]
# calculate resistance ring at T degC
rho = self.ring_mat.elec.get_resistivity(T_op=T, T_ref=20)
Sring = self.comp_surface_ring()
lring = self.comp_length_ring()
Zr = self.get_Zs()
P = self.get_pole_pair_number()
# total ring resistance (not yet divided by Zr to take average resistance seen by one bar)
Rring = rho * lring / Sring
# calculate resistance rod at T degC
rho = self.winding.conductor.cond_mat.elec.get_resistivity(T_op=T, T_ref=20)
# active surface inside slot
Srod = self.winding.conductor.comp_surface_active()
# total bar length inside lamination + outside lamination before end ring (#TODO Lewout should be 0 for molded cage, #TODO comp_length() should account for skew shape)
lrod = self.comp_length() + 2 * self.winding.Lewout
# bar resistance
Rrod = rho * lrod / Srod
# average physical resistance per rotor bar (not yet transfered on stator side, per stator phase)
Rtot = Rrod + Rring / Zr / (2 * sin(pi * P / Zr) ** 2)
return Rtot