Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.Machine.plot_anim_rotor

from numpy import pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon

[docs]def plot_anim_rotor(self, Nframe, Tanim, Nrot=1, is_loop=True): """Plot the machine with an animation of the rotor (Internal Rotor for now ?) Parameters ---------- self : Machine Machine object Nframe: int Number of frame for the animation Tanim : float Duration of the animation [ms] Nrot : float Number of rotation is_loop : bool True to activate the loop animation """ # Display fig, axes = subplots() axes.set_xlabel("(m)") axes.set_ylabel("(m)") axes.set_title("Machine") # Axis Setup axes.axis("equal") # The Lamination is centered in the figure Lim = (self.stator.Rext) * 1.5 # Axes limit for plot Rsurf = self.rotor.build_geometry(sym=1, alpha=0, delta=0) # Rotation angle between each frame Dalpha = 2 * pi * Nrot / Nframe def init(): """Create the patches for the first image""" Spatches = self.stator.plot(is_display=False) Rpatches = self.rotor.plot(is_display=False) for patch in Spatches: axes.add_patch(patch) for patch in Rpatches: axes.add_patch(patch) return [] def update_rotor(ii): """Rotate and update the rotor patches""" for ii in range(len(Rsurf)): Rsurf[ii].rotate(Dalpha) patches = Rsurf[ii].get_patches() for patch in patches: if type(patch) is Polygon: axes.patches[-len(Rsurf) + ii].xy = patch.xy # elif type(patch) is Circle: # pass axes.set_xlim(-Lim, Lim) axes.set_ylim(-Lim, Lim) return [] # Animation definition anim = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, update_rotor, init_func=init, frames=Nframe, interval=Tanim / Nframe, blit=True, repeat=is_loop, )