Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.Magnet.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from matplotlib.patches import Patch, Polygon
from matplotlib.pyplot import axis, legend
from numpy import array, exp, pi

from ....Functions.init_fig import init_fig
from ....definitions import config_dict


[docs]def plot(self, fig=None, display_field=False): """Plot the Magnet in a matplotlib fig Parameters ---------- self : Magnet A Magnet object fig : if None, open a new fig and plot, else add to the current one (Default value = None) display_field : bool if true, will display magnetization field arrow (Default value = False) Returns ------- None """ surf_list = self.build_geometry() patches = list() for surf in surf_list: patches.extend(surf.get_patches(color=MAGNET_COLOR)) # Display the result (fig, axes, patch_leg, label_leg) = init_fig(fig) axes.set_xlabel("(m)") axes.set_ylabel("(m)") axes.set_title("Magnet") # Add the magnet to the fig for patch in patches: axes.add_patch(patch) # Add the field if needed if display_field: arrow_list = self.build_magnetization_field(Rbo) for arrow in arrow_list: axes.annotate( "", xy=(arrow[0].real, arrow[0].imag), xycoords="data", xytext=(arrow[1].real, arrow[1].imag), textcoords="data", arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3"), ) # Axis Setup axis("equal") # Legend setup if "Magnet" not in label_leg: patch_leg.append(Patch(color=MAGNET_COLOR)) label_leg.append("Magnet") legend(patch_leg, label_leg)