Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Mesh.Mesh.interface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ....Classes.NodeMat import NodeMat
from ....Classes.ElementMat import ElementMat
from ....definitions import PACKAGE_NAME
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np

[docs]def interface(self, other_mesh): """Define an Mesh object corresponding to the exact intersection between two Mesh (nodes must be in both meshes, the nodes tags must be identically defined). Parameters ---------- self : Mesh a Mesh object other_mesh : Mesh an other Mesh object Returns ------- """ # Dynamic import module = __import__(PACKAGE_NAME + ".Classes." + "Mesh", fromlist=["Mesh"]) new_mesh = getattr(module, "Mesh")() new_mesh.node = NodeMat() new_mesh.element["Segment2"] = ElementMat(nb_node_per_element=2) for key in self.element: nodes_tags = self.element[key].get_all_node_tags() other_nodes_tags = other_mesh.element[key].get_all_node_tags() # Find the nodes on the interface (they are in both in and out) interface_nodes_tags = np.intersect1d(nodes_tags, other_nodes_tags) nb_interf_nodes = len(interface_nodes_tags) tmp_element_tags = np.array([], dtype=int) tmp_element_tags_other = np.array([], dtype=int) node2elem_dict = dict() node2elem_other_dict = dict() # Find the elements in contact with the interface (they contain the interface nodes) for ind in range(nb_interf_nodes): tmp_tag = self.element[key].get_node2element(interface_nodes_tags[ind]) node2elem_dict[interface_nodes_tags[ind]] = tmp_tag tmp_element_tags = np.concatenate((tmp_element_tags, tmp_tag)) tmp_tag = other_mesh.element[key].get_node2element( interface_nodes_tags[ind] ) node2elem_other_dict[interface_nodes_tags[ind]] = tmp_tag tmp_element_tags_other = np.concatenate((tmp_element_tags_other, tmp_tag)) # Find element tags in contact and number of nodes in contact for each element tmp_element_tags_unique = np.unique( tmp_element_tags ) # List of element tag which are in contact with the interface nb_elem_contact = len(tmp_element_tags_unique) nb_element_tags_unique = np.zeros((nb_elem_contact, 1), dtype=int) elem2node_dict = dict() for ind in range(nb_elem_contact): # Number of node on the interface for each element from tmp_element_tags_unique Ipos = np.where(tmp_element_tags_unique[ind] == tmp_element_tags)[0] nb_element_tags_unique[ind] = len(Ipos) # Which nodes exactly are concerned; store them in elem2node_dict nodes_tmp = self.get_node_tags(tmp_element_tags_unique[ind]) nodes_tmp_interf = np.array([], dtype=int) for ipos in range(len(nodes_tmp)): if nodes_tmp[ipos] in interface_nodes_tags: nodes_tmp_interf = np.concatenate( (nodes_tmp_interf, np.array([nodes_tmp[ipos]], dtype=int)) ) elem2node_dict[tmp_element_tags_unique[ind]] = nodes_tmp_interf # Build element seg_elem_pos = np.where(nb_element_tags_unique == 2)[ 0 ] # Position in the vector tmp_element_tags_unique seg_elem_tag = tmp_element_tags_unique[ seg_elem_pos ] # Vector of element tags with only 2 nodes on the interface nb_elem_segm = len(seg_elem_tag) for i_seg in range(nb_elem_segm): tag_two_nodes = elem2node_dict[seg_elem_tag[i_seg]] new_tag = new_mesh.get_new_tag() new_mesh.element["Segment2"].add_element(tag_two_nodes, new_tag) # The same operation is applied in the other mesh because in the corners, 1 element will contain 3 nodes, # and it will not be detected by seg_elem_pos. Applying the same process to the other mesh solve the issue # if add_element ignore the already defined elements. tmp_element_tags_other_unique = np.unique(tmp_element_tags_other) nb_node_other_contact = len(tmp_element_tags_other_unique) nb_element_tags_other_unique = np.zeros((nb_node_other_contact, 1), dtype=int) elem2node_other_dict = dict() for ind in range(nb_node_other_contact): Ipos = np.where( tmp_element_tags_other_unique[ind] == tmp_element_tags_other )[0] nb_element_tags_other_unique[ind] = len(Ipos) nodes_tmp = other_mesh.get_node_tags(tmp_element_tags_other_unique[ind]) nodes_tmp_interf = np.array([], dtype=int) for ipos in range(len(nodes_tmp)): if nodes_tmp[ipos] in interface_nodes_tags: nodes_tmp_interf = np.concatenate( (nodes_tmp_interf, np.array([nodes_tmp[ipos]], dtype=int)) ) elem2node_other_dict[tmp_element_tags_other_unique[ind]] = nodes_tmp_interf # Build segment elements in other mesh seg_elem_pos = np.where(nb_element_tags_other_unique == 2)[0] seg_elem_tag = tmp_element_tags_other_unique[seg_elem_pos] nb_elem_segm = len(seg_elem_tag) for i_seg in range(nb_elem_segm): tag_two_nodes = elem2node_other_dict[seg_elem_tag[i_seg]] # It is not really added if it already exist new_tag = new_mesh.get_new_tag() new_mesh.element["Segment2"].add_element(tag_two_nodes, new_tag) return new_mesh
# TODO : Extend the code to higher dimension (3 nodes triangles for tetrahedra interfaces ...) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # x = mesh_group.node[:,0] # y = mesh_group.node[:,1] # ax.scatter(x, y) # for ieleme in range(mesh_group.nb_elem): # x = mesh_group.node[interface_elem[ieleme,:],0] # y = mesh_group.node[interface_elem[ieleme,:],1] # ax.plot(x, y) # # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # x = nodes_in[:, 0] # y = nodes_in[:, 1] # ax.scatter(x, y) # x = nodes_out[:, 0] # y = nodes_out[:, 1] # ax.scatter(x, y) # x = nodes_parent[interface_nodes_id, 0] # y = nodes_parent[interface_nodes_id, 1] # ax.scatter(x, y, marker='x')