Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Output.LUTdq.interp_Phi_dqh

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as scp_int

[docs]def interp_Phi_dqh(self, Id, Iq): """Interpolate stator winding dqh flux in dq plane Parameters ---------- self : LUTdq a LUTdq object Id : float or ndarray current Id Iq : float or ndarray current Iq Returns ---------- Phi_dqh : float or ndarray interpolated flux in dqh frame (3) """ # Calculate average value of dqh flux linkage Phi_dqh_mean = self.get_Phi_dqh_mean() # Get unique Id, Iq sorted in ascending order OP_matrix = self.get_OP_array("N0", "Id", "Iq") XId, jd = np.unique(OP_matrix[:, 1], return_inverse=True) XIq, jq = np.unique(OP_matrix[:, 2], return_inverse=True) nd, nq = XId.size, XIq.size Phi_dqh_mean_reg = np.zeros((nd, nq, 2)) if nd * nq == OP_matrix.shape[0]: # sort flux linkage matrix and reshape to (nd, nq, 2) is_rect_interp = True for ii, (m, n) in enumerate(zip(jd, jq)): Phi_dqh_mean_reg[m, n, :] = Phi_dqh_mean[ii, 0:2] elif nd + nq - 1 == OP_matrix.shape[0]: # Rebuild 2D grid from xId and xIq is_rect_interp = True Phi_dqh_mag = self.get_Phi_dqh_mag_mean() for m, x in enumerate(XId): for n, y in enumerate(XIq): # Find indice of current Id value in OP_matrix ii = np.where(OP_matrix[:, 1] == x)[0] # Find indice of current Iq value in OP_matrix jj = np.where(OP_matrix[:, 2] == y)[0] # check if (Id, Iq) is in OP_matrix kk = np.intersect1d(ii, jj) if kk.size > 0: # take values directly from Phi_dqh_mean if (Id, Iq) is in OP_matrix Phi_dqh_mean_reg[m, n, :] = Phi_dqh_mean[kk, 0:2] else: # Sum flux values for (Id, Iq): Phi_dq(Id, Iq) = Phi_dq(Id, 0) + Phi_dq(0, Iq) Phi_dqh_mean_reg[m, n, :] = ( Phi_dqh_mean[ii, :2] + Phi_dqh_mean[jj, :2] - Phi_dqh_mag[:2] ) else: is_rect_interp = False if nd == 1: # 1D interpolation along q axis Phi_dqh_interp = scp_int.interp1d(XIq, Phi_dqh_mean_reg, kind="linear", axis=1) elif nq == 1: # 1D interpolation along d axis Phi_dqh_interp = scp_int.interp1d(XId, Phi_dqh_mean_reg, kind="linear", axis=0) elif is_rect_interp: # 2D regular grid interpolation Phi_dqh_interp = scp_int.RegularGridInterpolator( (XId, XIq), Phi_dqh_mean_reg, method="linear" ) else: # 2D scattered interpolation Phi_dqh_interp = scp_int.LinearNDInterpolator( (OP_matrix[:, 1], OP_matrix[:, 2]), Phi_dqh_mean[:, 0:2] ) # Init dqh flux linkage if np.isscalar(Id) and np.isscalar(Iq): n_OP = 1 else: n_OP = Id.size Phi_dqh = np.zeros((3, n_OP)) if nd == 1: Phi_dqh[0:2, :] = np.squeeze(Phi_dqh_interp(Iq)).T elif nq == 1: Phi_dqh[0:2, :] = np.squeeze(Phi_dqh_interp(Id)).T else: Phid_dqh_val = Phi_dqh_interp((Id, Iq)) # Interpolate Phid and Phiq, Phih is enforced to 0 if n_OP == 1: Phi_dqh[0:2, :] = Phid_dqh_val[:, None] else: Phi_dqh[0:2, :] = Phid_dqh_val.T return Phi_dqh