Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Output.OutMag.comp_torque_MT

from numpy import pi

from SciDataTool.Functions.derivation_integration import integrate

[docs]def comp_torque_MT(self): """Compute the rotor electromagnetic torque from Maxwell Stress Tensor. Parameters ---------- self : OutMag an OutMag object Returns ------- Tem_slice : ndarray Rotor electromagnetic torque per slice [N] """ Tem_slice = None B = self.B if ( B is not None and "radial" in B.components.keys() and "tangential" in B.components.keys() ): machine = self.parent.simu.machine # Load airgap Maxwell Stress Tensor Brphiz = B.get_rphiz_along( "time[smallestperiod]", "angle[smallestperiod]", "z[smallestpattern]", is_squeeze=False, ) Br = Brphiz["radial"] Bt = Brphiz["tangential"] if self.Rag is None: R = machine.comp_Rgap_mec() else: R = self.Rag # Magnetic void permeability mu_0 = 4 * pi * 1e-7 # Integrate over angle to get the electromagnetic torque per slice Nper, _ = B.get_axes()[1].get_periodicity() Tem_slice = ( R ** 2 / mu_0 * integrate( values=Br * Bt, ax_val=Brphiz["angle"], index=1, Nper=Nper, is_aper=False, is_phys=True, )[:, 0, :] ) if Tem_slice.ndim == 1: Tem_slice = Tem_slice[:, None] return Tem_slice