Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Output.Output.getter.comp_angle_rotor

from numpy import pi, cumsum, roll, array, unique

from SciDataTool import Norm_vector, Norm_affine

[docs]def comp_angle_rotor(self, Time): """Computes the angular position of the rotor as a function of time and set it as normalization (should not happen since angle_rotor is already added in Time normalizations in Input.comp_axis_time) Parameters ---------- self : Output an Output object Time : Data a time axis (SciDataTool Data object) rot_dir: int Rotor rotating direction (by default -1: clockwise) Returns ------- angle_rotor: ndarray angular position of the rotor as a function of time (vector) [rad] """ # Get rotor rotating direction rot_dir = self.geo.rot_dir # Compute according to the speed Nr = self.elec.get_Nr(Time=Time) # Compute rotor initial angle (for synchronous machines, to align rotor d-axis and stator alpha-axis) A0 = self.get_angle_rotor_initial() # Case where normalization is a constant if unique(Nr).size == 1: # Define affine normalization between time and rotor angle Time.normalizations["angle_rotor"] = Norm_affine( slope=rot_dir * Nr[0] * 360 / 60, offset=A0 * 180 / pi ) # Compute rotor angle array from normalization angle_rotor = Time.get_values(normalization="angle_rotor") * pi / 180 else: # Calculate rotor angle from spee time = Time.get_values(is_smallestperiod=True) if time.size == 1: # Only one time step, no need to compute the position angle_rotor = array([A0]) else: deltaT = time[1] - time[0] # Convert Nr from [rpm] to [rad/s] (time in [s] and angle_rotor in [rad]) Ar = cumsum(rot_dir * deltaT * Nr * 2 * pi / 60) # Enforce first position to 0 Ar = roll(Ar, 1) Ar[0] = 0 angle_rotor = Ar + A0 # Define vector normalization between time and rotor angle Time.normalizations["angle_rotor"] = Norm_vector(vector=angle_rotor) return angle_rotor