Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Output.XOutput.print_memory
from sys import getsizeof
[docs]def print_memory(self, tab_level=0, detail_level=1, is_print=True):
"""Print an estimation of the memory usage for each property of the object
self : XOutput
An XOutput object
tab_level : int
Number of tab (" ") to add before each line
detail_level : int
Select how many data to display (0: only object size, 1: object + properties, 2:object + detailed properties)
is_print: bool
True print, else return str
mem_str: str
if is_print == False, return the string that descibe the memory usage of the object
tab = ""
for _ in range(tab_level):
tab += " "
mem_str = tab + "Total XOutput size: " + str(getsizeof(self)) + " o\n"
if detail_level == 0:
mem_str += tab + "Reference simulation:\n"
mem_str += super(type(self), self).print_memory(
tab_level=tab_level + 1, detail_level=detail_level, is_print=False
mem_str += "\nXOutput Data:\n"
# Paramexplorer_list
S1 = 0
if self.paramexplorer_list is not None:
for obj in self.paramexplorer_list:
S1 += getsizeof(obj)
mem_str += tab + " paramexplorer_list: " + str(S1) + " o\n"
# output_list
S2 = 0
out_list_str = ""
if self.output_list is not None:
for ii, obj in enumerate(self.output_list):
S = getsizeof(obj)
S2 += S
out_list_str += (
tab + " output_list[" + str(ii) + "]: " + str(S) + " o\n"
if detail_level > 2:
out_list_str += self.output_list[ii].print_memory(
tab_level=3, detail_level=detail_level - 2, is_print=False
mem_str += tab + " output_list: " + str(S2) + " o\n"
mem_str += out_list_str
# xoutput_dict
S3 = 0
if self.xoutput_dict is not None:
for key, value in self.xoutput_dict.items():
S3 += getsizeof(key) + getsizeof(value)
mem_str += tab + " xoutput_dict: " + str(S3) + " o\n"
mem_str += tab + " nb_simu: " + str(getsizeof(self.nb_simu)) + " o\n"
if is_print:
return mem_str