Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Simulation.EEC_SCIM.comp_parameters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from numpy import zeros, sqrt, pi, tile, isnan
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

from ....Functions.Electrical.coordinate_transformation import n2ab, ab2n

def comp_parameters(self, output):
    """Compute the parameters dict for the equivalent electrical circuit:
    resistance, inductance
    self : EEC_PMSM
        an EEC_PMSM object
    output : Output
        an Output object
    # get some machine parameters
    machine = output.simu.machine
    Zsr = machine.rotor.slot.Zs
    qsr = machine.rotor.winding.qs
    p = machine.rotor.winding.p

    xi = machine.stator.winding.comp_winding_factor()
    Ntspc = machine.stator.winding.comp_Ntspc()
    norm = (xi[0] * Ntspc) / (Zsr / 6)  # rotor - stator transformation factor

    self.parameters["norm"] = norm

    # get temperatures TODO remove/replace, since this is a temp. solution only
    Tws = 20 if "Tws" not in self.parameters else self.parameter["Tws"]
    Twr = 20 if "Twr" not in self.parameters else self.parameter["Twr"]

    # Parameters to compute only if they are not set
    if "Rs" not in self.parameters or self.parameters["Rs"] is None:
        self.parameters["Rs"] = machine.stator.comp_resistance_wind(T=Tws)

    if "Rr_norm" not in self.parameters or self.parameters["Rr_norm"] is None:
        # 3 phase equivalent rotor resistance
        Rr = machine.rotor.comp_resistance_wind(T=Twr, qs=3)
        self.parameters["Rr_norm"] = norm ** 2 * Rr

    if "slip" not in self.parameters or self.parameters["slip"] is None:
        zp = output.simu.machine.stator.get_pole_pair_number()
        Nr = output.elec.N0
        Ns = output.elec.felec / zp * 60
        self.parameters["slip"] = (Ns - Nr) / Ns
        # print(f"slip = {(Ns - Nr) / Ns}")

    # check if inductances have to be calculated
    is_comp_ind = False

    if "Lm" not in self.parameters or self.parameters["Lm"] is None:
        is_comp_ind = True

    if "Ls" not in self.parameters or self.parameters["Ls"] is None:
        is_comp_ind = True

    if "Lr_norm" not in self.parameters or self.parameters["Lr_norm"] is None:
        is_comp_ind = True

    if "Rfe" not in self.parameters:
        self.parameters["Rfe"] = None  # TODO calculate (or estimate at least)

    if is_comp_ind:
        # setup a MagFEMM simulation to get the parameters
        # TODO maybe use IndMagFEMM or FluxlinkageFEMM
        #      but for now they are not suitable so I utilize 'normal' MagFEMM simu
        from ....Classes.Simu1 import Simu1
        from ....Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent
        from ....Classes.MagFEMM import MagFEMM
        from ....Classes.Output import Output
        from ....Classes.ImportGenVectLin import ImportGenVectLin
        from ....Classes.ImportMatrixVal import ImportMatrixVal

        # set frequency, time and number of revolutions
        # TODO what will be the best settings to get a good average with min. samples
        if self.N0 is None and self.felec is None:
            N0 = 50 * 60 / p
            felec = 50
        elif self.N0 is None and self.felec is not None:
            N0 = self.felec * 60 / p
        elif self.N0 is not None and self.felec is None:
            N0 = self.N0
            felec = N0 / 60 * p
            N0 = self.N0
            felec = self.felec

        Nrev = self.Nrev

        T = Nrev / (N0 / 60)
        Ir = ImportMatrixVal(value=zeros((self.Nt_tot, qsr)))
        time = ImportGenVectLin(start=0, stop=T, num=self.Nt_tot, endpoint=False)

        # TODO estimate magnetizing current if self.I == None
        # TODO compute magnetizing curve as function of I

        # setup the simu object
        simu = Simu1(name="EEC_comp_parameter", machine=machine.copy())
        # Definition of the enforced output of the electrical module
        simu.input = InputCurrent(
            Ir=Ir,  # zero current for the rotor
            angle_rotor=None,  # Will be computed

        # Definition of the magnetic simulation (no symmetry)
        nb_worker = self.nb_worker if self.nb_worker else cpu_count()

        simu.mag = MagFEMM(
        simu.force = None
        simu.struct = None

        # --- compute the main inductance and stator stray inductance ---
        # set output and run first simulation
        out = Output(simu=simu)

        # compute average rotor and stator fluxlinkage
        # TODO check wind_mat that the i-th bars is in the i-th slots
        Phi_s, Phi_r = _comp_flux_mean(self, out)

        self.parameters["Lm"] = (Phi_r * norm * Zsr / 3) / self.I
        self.parameters["Ls"] = (Phi_s - (Phi_r * norm * Zsr / 3)) / self.I

        # --- compute the main inductance and rotor stray inductance ---
        # set new output
        out = Output(simu=simu)

        # set current values
        Ir_ = zeros([self.Nt_tot, 2])
        Ir_[:, 0] = self.I * norm * sqrt(2)
        Ir = ab2n(Ir_, n=qsr // p)  # TODO no rotation for now

        Ir = ImportMatrixVal(value=tile(Ir, (1, p)))

        simu.input.Is = None
        simu.input.Id_ref = 0
        simu.input.Iq_ref = 0
        simu.input.Ir = Ir

        # compute average rotor and stator fluxlinkage
        # TODO check wind_mat that the i-th bars is in the i-th slots
        Phi_s, Phi_r = _comp_flux_mean(self, out)

        self.parameters["Lm_"] = Phi_s / self.I
        self.parameters["Lr_norm"] = ((Phi_r * norm * Zsr / 3) - Phi_s) / self.I

def _comp_flux_mean(self, out):
    # TODO add fix for single time value
    # TODO add option to calculate RMS instead of mean fluxlinkage

    # some readability
    logger = self.get_logger()
    machine = out.simu.machine
    p = machine.rotor.winding.p
    qsr = machine.rotor.winding.qs
    sym, is_anti_per, _, _ = machine.comp_periodicity()

    # get the fluxlinkages
    Phi = out.mag.Phi_wind["Rotor_0"].get_along("time", "phase")["Phi_{wind}"]

    # reconstruct fluxlinkage in case of (anti) periodicity
    if out.simu.mag.is_periodicity_a:
        # reconstruct anti periodicity
        if is_anti_per:
            qsr_eff = qsr // (sym * (1 + is_anti_per))
            for ii in range(qsr_eff):
                if not all(isnan(Phi[:, ii + qsr_eff]).tolist()):
                        f"{type(self).__name__}: "
                        + f"Rotor fluxlinkage of bar {ii + qsr_eff} will be overridden."
                Phi[:, ii + qsr_eff] = -Phi[:, ii]
        # reconstruct periodicity
        if sym != 1:
            qsr_eff = qsr // sym
            if not all(isnan(Phi[:, qsr_eff:]).tolist()):
                    f"{type(self).__name__}: "
                    + f"Rotor fluxlinkage of bar "
                    + "starting with {qsr_eff} will be overridden."
            for ii in range(sym - 1):
                id0 = qsr_eff * (ii + 1)
                id1 = qsr_eff * (ii + 2)
                Phi[:, id0:id1] = Phi[:, :qsr_eff]

        # rescale
        Phi = Phi / (sym * (1 + is_anti_per))

    # compute mean value of periodic bar fluxlinkage
    Phi_ab = zeros([Phi.shape[0], 2])
    if (qsr % p) == 0:
        qsr_per_pole = qsr // p
        for ii in range(p):
            id0 = qsr_per_pole * ii
            id1 = qsr_per_pole * (ii + 1)
            Phi_ab += n2ab(Phi[:, id0:id1], n=qsr_per_pole) / p
        logger.warning(f"{type(self).__name__}: " + "Not Implemented Yet")

    # compute rotor and stator fluxlinkage
    Phi_r = abs(Phi_ab[:, 0] + 1j * Phi_ab[:, 1]).mean() / sqrt(2)
    Phi_ab = n2ab(out.mag.Phi_wind["Stator_0"].get_along("time", "phase")["Phi_{wind}"])
    Phi_s = abs(Phi_ab[:, 0] + 1j * Phi_ab[:, 1]).mean() / sqrt(2)

    return Phi_s, Phi_r