Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Simulation.InputElec.gen_input

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ....Classes.OutElec import OutElec
from ....Classes.Simulation import Simulation
from ....Methods.Simulation.Input import InputError

def gen_input(self):
    """Generate the input for the magnetic module (electrical output)

    self : InputCurrent
        An InputCurrent object

    output = OutElec()

    # get the simulation
    if isinstance(self.parent, Simulation):
        simu = self.parent
    elif isinstance(self.parent.parent, Simulation):
        simu = self.parent.parent
        raise InputError(
            "ERROR: InputCurrent object should be inside a Simulation object"

    output.N0 = self.N0
    output.felec = self.comp_felec()

    # Set discretization
    Time, Angle = self.comp_axes(simu.machine, self.N0)
    output.Time = Time
    output.Angle = Angle

    # Initialize output at None
    output.Id_ref = None
    output.Iq_ref = None
    output.Ud_ref = None
    output.Uq_ref = None
    output.Is = None
    output.Ir = None

    # Load and check voltage and currents
    if self.Ud_ref is not None and self.Uq_ref is not None:
        output.Ud_ref = self.Ud_ref
        output.Uq_ref = self.Uq_ref
        simu.elec.eec.parameters["Ud"] = self.Ud_ref
        simu.elec.eec.parameters["Uq"] = self.Uq_ref
        if self.Id_ref is not None and self.Iq_ref is not None:
            output.Id_ref = self.Id_ref
            output.Iq_ref = self.Iq_ref
            output.Id_ref = 1
            output.Iq_ref = 1
    elif self.Id_ref is not None and self.Iq_ref is not None:
        output.Id_ref = self.Id_ref
        output.Iq_ref = self.Iq_ref
        raise InputError("ERROR: Id/Iq or Ud/Uq missing")

    # Load and check rot_dir
    if self.rot_dir is None or self.rot_dir not in [-1, 1]:
        # Enforce default rotation direction
        simu.parent.geo.rot_dir = -1
        simu.parent.geo.rot_dir = self.rot_dir

    if simu.parent is None:
        raise InputError(
            "ERROR: The Simulation object must be in an Output object to run"

    # Save the Output in the correct place
    simu.parent.elec = output