Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Slot.HoleM51.check
from numpy import pi
from ....Methods.Slot.HoleM51 import *
[docs]def check(self):
"""Check that the HoleM51 object is correct
self : HoleM51
A HoleM51 object
# Check that everything is set
if self.W0 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set W0 !")
elif self.W1 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set W1 !")
elif self.W2 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set W2 !")
elif self.W3 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set W3 !")
elif self.W4 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set W4 !")
elif self.W5 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set W5 !")
elif self.W6 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set W6 !")
elif self.W7 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set W7 !")
elif self.H0 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set H0 !")
elif self.H1 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set H1 !")
elif self.H2 is None:
raise S51_NoneError("You must set H2 !")
Rext = self.get_Rext()
alpha = self.comp_alpha()
if self.W0 < (self.W2 + self.W3):
raise S51_WCheckError("You must have W2+W3 < W0")
if Rext < self.H0 + self.H2:
raise S51_RHCheckError("You must have H0+H2 < Rext")
if alpha > pi / 2:
raise S51_AlphaCheckError("You must have alpha < pi/2")