Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Slot.HoleM53.comp_radius

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numpy import cos, exp

[docs]def comp_radius(self): """Compute the radius of the min and max circle that contains the hole Parameters ---------- self : HoleM53 A HoleM53 object Returns ------- (Rmin,Rmax): tuple Radius of the circle that contains the hole [m] """ Rext = self.get_Rext() Rmax = Rext - self.H1 Z7 = Rext - self.H0 - 1j * self.W1 / 2 Z6 = Z7 - 1j * (self.H2 - self.H3) * cos(self.W4) Z4 = (self.W2 - 1j * self.H3) * exp(-1j * self.W4) + Z6 Rmin = min(abs(Z7), abs(Z4)) return (Rmin, Rmax)