Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Slot.Slot.get_surface
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ....Classes.Arc1 import Arc1
from ....Classes.SurfLine import SurfLine
from ....Functions.labels import DRAW_PROP_LAB
[docs]def get_surface(self):
"""Returns the surface delimiting the slot
self : Slot
A Slot object
surface: SurfLine
A SurfLine object representing the slot
Rbo = self.get_Rbo()
curve_list = self.build_geometry()
# Remove line overlapping with bore/yoke lines (for FEMM)
for line in curve_list:
if line.prop_dict is None:
line.prop_dict = dict()
line.prop_dict[DRAW_PROP_LAB] = False
# Add closing Arc
Zbegin = curve_list[-1].get_end()
Zend = curve_list[0].get_begin()
curve_list.append(Arc1(Zbegin, Zend, -Rbo, is_trigo_direction=False))
surf = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list, label="Slot")
return surf