Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Slot.SlotM18.build_geometry
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ....Classes.Segment import Segment
from ....Classes.Arc1 import Arc1
[docs]def build_geometry(self):
"""Compute the curve (Line) needed to plot the Slot.
The ending point of a curve is the starting point of the next curve in
the list
self : SlotM18
A SlotM18 object
curve_list: list
A list of 3 Segments
Rbo = self.get_Rbo()
point_dict = self._comp_point_coordinate()
Z1 = point_dict["Z1"]
Z2 = point_dict["Z2"]
# Creation of curve
curve_list = list()
curve_list.append(Arc1(Z1, Z2, Rbo, is_trigo_direction=True))
return curve_list