Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Slot.SlotMFlat2.build_geometry

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numpy import exp, sin

from pyleecan.Classes.Arc2 import Arc2
from pyleecan.Classes.Segment import Segment

[docs]def build_geometry(self): """Compute the curve (Line) needed to plot the Slot. The ending point of a curve is always the starting point of the next curve in the list Parameters ---------- self : SlotMFlat2 A SlotMFlat2 object Returns ------- curve_list: list A list of 7 Segments for each slot + W3 arc """ Rbo = self.get_Rbo() alpha = self.comp_angle_opening() alpha_slot = self.comp_angle_opening_magnet() alpha_mag = self.comp_angle_magnet() # Point coordinate for a slot center on Ox Z1 = Rbo * exp(-1j * alpha_slot / 2) Z8 = Rbo * exp(1j * alpha_slot / 2) R1 = self.comp_W0m() / (2 * sin(alpha_mag / 2)) Z3 = R1 * exp(-1j * alpha_mag / 2) Z6 = R1 * exp(1j * alpha_mag / 2) if self.is_outwards(): Z2 = Z1 + self.H1 Z7 = Z8 + self.H1 Z4 = Z3 + self.H0 Z5 = Z6 + self.H0 else: Z2 = Z1 - self.H1 Z7 = Z8 - self.H1 Z4 = Z3 - self.H0 Z5 = Z6 - self.H0 # Curve list of a single slot curve_list = list() if self.H1 > 0: curve_list.append(Segment(Z1, Z2)) curve_list.append(Segment(Z2, Z3)) curve_list.append(Segment(Z3, Z4)) curve_list.append(Segment(Z4, Z5)) curve_list.append(Segment(Z5, Z6)) curve_list.append(Segment(Z6, Z7)) if self.H1 > 0: curve_list.append(Segment(Z7, Z8)) # Copied from SlotMFlat. Probably not working for more than one Magnet # Complete curve list for all the slots (for one pole) slot_list = list() for ii in range(len(self.magnet)): # Compute angle of the middle of the slot beta = -alpha / 2 + alpha_slot / 2 + ii * (self.W3 + alpha_slot) # Duplicate and rotate the slot + bore for each slot for line in curve_list: new_line = type(line)(init_dict=line.as_dict()) new_line.rotate(beta) slot_list.append(new_line) if ii != len(self.magnet) - 1: # Add the W3 except for the last slot slot_list.append(Arc2(slot_list[-1].get_end(), 0, self.W3)) return slot_list