Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Slot.SlotW61.plot_schematics

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import pi, exp
import numpy as np

from ....Classes.Arc1 import Arc1
from ....Classes.LamSlot import LamSlot
from ....Classes.LamSlotWind import LamSlotWind
from ....Classes.Winding import Winding
from ....Classes.Segment import Segment
from ....definitions import config_dict
from ....Functions.Plot import (
from ....Methods import ParentMissingError


[docs]def plot_schematics( self, is_default=False, is_add_point_label=False, is_add_schematics=True, is_add_main_line=True, type_add_active=1, save_path=None, is_show_fig=True, fig=None, ax=None, ): """Plot the schematics of the slot Parameters ---------- self : SlotW61 A SlotW61 object is_default : bool True: plot default schematics, else use current slot values is_add_point_label : bool True to display the name of the points (Z1, Z2....) is_add_schematics : bool True to display the schematics information (W0, H0...) is_add_main_line : bool True to display "main lines" (slot opening and 0x axis) type_add_active : int 0: No active surface, 1: active surface as winding, 2: active surface as magnet, 3: active surface as winding + wedges save_path : str full path including folder, name and extension of the file to save if save_path is not None is_show_fig : bool To call show at the end of the method fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure existing figure to use if None create a new one ax : Matplotlib.axes.Axes object Axis on which to plot the data Returns ------- fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the schematics ax : Matplotlib.axes.Axes object Axis containing the schematics """ # Use some default parameter if is_default: slot = type(self)( Zs=12, H0=20e-3, W0=40e-3, H1=20e-3, H2=65e-3, W1=100e-3, W2=40e-3, W3=16e-3, H3=16e-3, H4=16e-3, ) lam = LamSlot( Rint=0.135, Rext=0.3, is_internal=True, is_stator=False, slot=slot ) return slot.plot_schematics( is_default=False, is_add_point_label=is_add_point_label, is_add_schematics=is_add_schematics, is_add_main_line=is_add_main_line, type_add_active=type_add_active, save_path=save_path, is_show_fig=is_show_fig, fig=fig, ax=ax, ) else: # Getting the main plot if self.parent is None: raise ParentMissingError("Error: The slot is not inside a Lamination") lam = self.parent fig, ax = lam.plot(is_show_fig=False, fig=fig, ax=ax) # center slot on Ox axis point_dict = dict() point_dict_temp = self._comp_point_coordinate() for key in point_dict_temp: point_dict[key] = point_dict_temp[key] * exp( 1j * (pi / self.Zs + 4 * pi / self.Zs) ) point_dict[key + "d"] = point_dict[key] * exp(1j * (2 * pi / self.Zs)) point_dict[key + "dd"] = point_dict[key + "d"] * exp( 1j * (2 * pi / self.Zs) ) if self.is_outwards(): sign = 1 else: sign = -1 # Adding point label if is_add_point_label: for name, Z in point_dict.items(): ax.text( Z.real, Z.imag, name, fontsize=P_FONT_SIZE, bbox=TEXT_BOX, ) # Adding schematics if is_add_schematics: # W0 Zlim1 = point_dict["Z1d"] + 0.005j Zlim2 = point_dict["Z10"] + 0.005j plot_quote( point_dict["Z1d"], Zlim1, Zlim2, point_dict["Z10"], offset_label=self.H0 * 0.1 + 1j * self.W0 * 0.3 - (0.009 + 0.005j), fig=fig, ax=ax, label="W0", ) # H0 Zlim1 = point_dict["Z2d"] Zlim2 = point_dict["Z2d"].real + 1j * point_dict["Z1d"].imag plot_quote( point_dict["Z2d"], Zlim1 - (0.006 + 0j), Zlim2 - (0.006 + 0j), point_dict["Z1d"], offset_label=self.H0 * -1.2 + 1j * self.W0 * 0.05 - (-0.004 + 0.005j), fig=fig, ax=ax, label="H0", ) # W1 line = Segment( (point_dict["Z2d"] + point_dict["Z3d"]) / 2, (point_dict["Z9"] + point_dict["Z8"]) / 2, ) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, label="W1", color=ARROW_COLOR, linewidth=ARROW_WIDTH, offset_label=2.1j * self.W0 * 0.1 - (0.007 + 0j), is_arrow=True, fontsize=SC_FONT_SIZE, ) # H1 Zlim1 = point_dict["Z9"] Zlim2 = point_dict["Z8"] plot_quote( point_dict["Z9"], Zlim1 + (0.006 + 0j), Zlim2 + (0.006 + 0j), point_dict["Z8"], offset_label=self.H0 * 0.6 + 1j * self.W0 * 0.05 - (0.005 + 0.005j), fig=fig, ax=ax, label="H1", ) # H2 Zlim1 = point_dict["Z4d"] Zlim2 = point_dict["Z5d"] plot_quote( point_dict["Z4d"], Zlim1 - (0.035 + 0j), Zlim2 - (0.035 + 0j), point_dict["Z5d"], offset_label=self.H0 * -1.0 + 1j * self.W0 * 0.05, fig=fig, ax=ax, label="H2", ) # W2 line = Segment( (point_dict["Z4dd"] + point_dict["Z5dd"]) / 2, (point_dict["Z7d"] + point_dict["Z6d"]) / 2, ) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, label="W2", color=ARROW_COLOR, linewidth=ARROW_WIDTH, offset_label=(-5.3j * self.W0 * 0.1) - (0.000 - 0.005j), is_arrow=True, fontsize=SC_FONT_SIZE, ) # W5 Zlim1 = point_dict["Zw5"] Zlim2 = point_dict["Zw5"] plot_quote( point_dict["Z3"], Zlim1, Zlim2, point_dict["Z5"], offset_label=0, fig=fig, ax=ax, label=None, ) # W5s Zlim1 = point_dict["Zw5s"] Zlim2 = point_dict["Zw5s"] plot_quote( point_dict["Z6"], Zlim1, Zlim2, point_dict["Z8"], offset_label=0, fig=fig, ax=ax, label=None, ) # W3 line = Segment( ((point_dict["Zw5"] + point_dict["Z3"]) / 2), ((point_dict["Zw4"] + point_dict["Zw3"]) / 2), ) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, label="W3", color=ARROW_COLOR, linewidth=ARROW_WIDTH, offset_label=(-4.8j * self.W0 * 0.1) - (0.007 + 0j), is_arrow=True, fontsize=SC_FONT_SIZE, ) # H3 line = Segment( ((point_dict["Z8"] + point_dict["Z7"]) / 2) - (0.008 + 0j), ((point_dict["Zw4s"] + point_dict["Zw1s"]) / 2), ) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, label="H3", color=ARROW_COLOR, linewidth=ARROW_WIDTH, offset_label=(-0.2j * self.W0 * 0.1) + (0.008 - 0.002j), is_arrow=True, fontsize=SC_FONT_SIZE, ) # H4 line = Segment( ((point_dict["Z6"] + point_dict["Zw5s"]) / 2) - (0.008 + 0j), ((point_dict["Zw2s"] + point_dict["Zw3s"]) / 2), ) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, label="H4", color=ARROW_COLOR, linewidth=ARROW_WIDTH, offset_label=(-0.2j * self.W0 * 0.1) + (0.008 - 0.002j), is_arrow=True, fontsize=SC_FONT_SIZE, ) if is_add_main_line: # Ox axis line = Segment(0, lam.Rext * 1.5) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, color=MAIN_LINE_COLOR, linestyle=MAIN_LINE_STYLE, linewidth=MAIN_LINE_WIDTH, ) # Top arc line = Arc1( begin=self.get_Rbo(), end=-self.get_Rbo(), radius=self.get_Rbo(), is_trigo_direction=True, ) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, color=MAIN_LINE_COLOR, linestyle=MAIN_LINE_STYLE, linewidth=MAIN_LINE_WIDTH, ) if type_add_active in [1, 3]: # Wind and Wedge is_add_wedge = False # No wedge for this false self.plot_active( fig=fig, ax=ax, is_show_fig=False, is_add_wedge=is_add_wedge, wind_mat=np.ones((1, 2, self.Zs, 1)), alpha=pi / self.Zs + 2 * pi / self.Zs, ) self.plot_active( fig=fig, ax=ax, is_show_fig=False, is_add_wedge=is_add_wedge, wind_mat=np.ones((1, 2, self.Zs, 1)), alpha=pi / self.Zs + 4 * pi / self.Zs, ) self.plot_active( fig=fig, ax=ax, is_show_fig=False, is_add_wedge=is_add_wedge, wind_mat=np.ones((1, 2, self.Zs, 1)), alpha=pi / self.Zs + 6 * pi / self.Zs, ) self.plot_active( fig=fig, ax=ax, is_show_fig=False, is_add_wedge=is_add_wedge, wind_mat=np.ones((1, 2, self.Zs, 1)), alpha=pi / self.Zs + 8 * pi / self.Zs, ) elif type_add_active == 2: # Magnet self.plot_active( fig=fig, ax=ax, is_show_fig=False, enforced_default_color=MAGNET_COLOR, ) # Zooming and cleaning ax.axis("equal") ax.set_ylim(abs(point_dict["Z1"]) * 0.5, abs(point_dict["Z1"]) * 1.2) ax.set_xlim(-2 * self.W0, 2 * self.W0) manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() if manager is not None: manager.set_window_title(type(self).__name__ + " Schematics") ax.set_title("") ax.get_legend().remove() ax.set_axis_off() # Save / Show if save_path is not None: fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig=fig) if is_show_fig: return fig, ax