Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Slot.VentilationTrap.plot_schematics

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import pi, exp, angle as np_angle

from ....Classes.Arc1 import Arc1
from ....Classes.LamHole import LamHole
from ....Classes.Segment import Segment
from ....definitions import config_dict
from ....Functions.Plot import (
from ....Methods import ParentMissingError

[docs]def plot_schematics( self, is_default=False, is_add_point_label=False, is_add_schematics=True, is_add_main_line=True, type_add_active=True, save_path=None, is_show_fig=True, fig=None, ax=None, ): """Plot the schematics of the slot Parameters ---------- self : VentilationTrap A VentilationTrap object is_default : bool True: plot default schematics, else use current slot values is_add_point_label : bool True to display the name of the points (Z1, Z2....) is_add_schematics : bool True to display the schematics information (W0, H0...) is_add_main_line : bool True to display "main lines" (slot opening and 0x axis) type_add_active : int 0: No active surface, 1: active surface as winding, 2: active surface as magnet save_path : str full path including folder, name and extension of the file to save if save_path is not None is_show_fig : bool To call show at the end of the method fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure existing figure to use if None create a new one ax : Matplotlib.axes.Axes object Axis on which to plot the data Returns ------- fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the plot ax : Matplotlib.axes.Axes object Axis containing the plot """ # Use some default parameter if is_default: hole = type(self)( H0=0.125, Zh=8, Alpha0=0.3, D0=0.05, W1=0.05, W2=0.08, ) lam = LamHole( Rint=0.1, Rext=0.2, is_internal=True, is_stator=False, hole=[hole] ) return hole.plot_schematics( is_default=False, is_add_point_label=is_add_point_label, is_add_schematics=is_add_schematics, is_add_main_line=is_add_main_line, type_add_active=type_add_active, save_path=save_path, is_show_fig=is_show_fig, fig=fig, ax=ax, ) else: # Getting the main plot if self.parent is None: raise ParentMissingError("Error: The hole is not inside a Lamination") lam = self.parent fig, ax = lam.plot( alpha=0, is_show_fig=False, is_lam_only=True, # No magnet fig=fig, ax=ax, ) # center hole on Ox axis point_dict = self._comp_point_coordinate() # Adding point label if is_add_point_label: for name, Z in point_dict.items(): ax.text( Z.real, Z.imag, name, fontsize=P_FONT_SIZE, bbox=TEXT_BOX, ) # Adding schematics if is_add_schematics: # H0 line = Segment(0, point_dict["ZM1"]) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, color=ARROW_COLOR, linewidth=ARROW_WIDTH, label="H0", offset_label=self.D0 / 4 * 1j, is_arrow=True, fontsize=SC_FONT_SIZE, ) # D0 line = Segment( point_dict["ZM1"] * exp(1j * 2 * pi / self.Zh), point_dict["ZM2"] * exp(1j * 2 * pi / self.Zh), ) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, color=ARROW_COLOR, linewidth=ARROW_WIDTH, label="D0", offset_label=self.D0 / 4, is_arrow=True, fontsize=SC_FONT_SIZE, ) # Alpha0 line = Arc1( begin=self.H0 + self.D0 / 2, end=point_dict["Zc"], radius=self.H0 + self.D0 / 2, is_trigo_direction=True, ) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, color=ARROW_COLOR, linewidth=ARROW_WIDTH, label="Alpha0", offset_label=self.D0 / 4 * (1 - 1.7j), fontsize=SC_FONT_SIZE, ) # W1 line = Segment(point_dict["Z1"], point_dict["Z4"]) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, color=ARROW_COLOR, linewidth=ARROW_WIDTH, label="W1", offset_label=self.D0 / 4 * 1.5j, is_arrow=True, fontsize=SC_FONT_SIZE, ) # W2 line = Segment(point_dict["Z2"], point_dict["Z3"]) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, color=ARROW_COLOR, linewidth=ARROW_WIDTH, label="W2", offset_label=self.D0 / 4 * 1.5j, is_arrow=True, fontsize=SC_FONT_SIZE, ) if is_add_main_line: # Ox axis line = Segment(0, lam.Rext * 1.5) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, color=MAIN_LINE_COLOR, linestyle=MAIN_LINE_STYLE, linewidth=MAIN_LINE_WIDTH, ) # Center axis line = Segment(0, lam.Rext * 1.5 * exp(1j * self.Alpha0)) line.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, color=MAIN_LINE_COLOR, linestyle=MAIN_LINE_STYLE, linewidth=MAIN_LINE_WIDTH, ) # Zooming and cleaning W = abs(point_dict["Z2"].imag) * 1.3 Rint = self.parent.Rint Rext = self.parent.Rext ax.axis("equal") ax.set_ylim(-Rext / 10, Rext * 0.9) ax.set_xlim(Rext / 10, Rext) manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() if manager is not None: manager.set_window_title(type(self).__name__ + " Schematics") ax.set_title("") ax.get_legend().remove() ax.set_axis_off() # Save / Show if save_path is not None: fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig=fig) if is_show_fig: return fig, ax