Source code for pyleecan.Tests.Validation.Plots.test_plots

from numpy import squeeze, linspace, sin
from unittest import TestCase
from os.path import join
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import unittest
from ....Tests import save_validation_path as save_path

from ....Classes.Simu1 import Simu1
from ...Validation.Machine.SCIM_006 import SCIM_006

from ....Classes.Output import Output
from SciDataTool import DataTime, Data1D, DataLinspace, DataFreq
from ....Tests import DATA_DIR
from ....Classes.ImportMatlab import ImportMatlab

simu = Simu1(name="EM_SCIM_NL_006", machine=SCIM_006)

mat_file_Br = join(DATA_DIR, "Plots/default_proj_Br.mat")
mat_file_time = join(DATA_DIR, "Plots/default_proj_time.mat")
mat_file_angle = join(DATA_DIR, "Plots/default_proj_angle.mat")
mat_file_MTr_freqs = join(DATA_DIR, "Plots/default_proj_MTr_freqs.mat")
mat_file_MTr_wavenumber = join(DATA_DIR, "Plots/default_proj_MTr_wavenumber.mat")
mat_file_MTr = join(DATA_DIR, "Plots/default_proj_MTr.mat")
mat_file_Br_cfft2 = join(DATA_DIR, "Plots/default_proj_Br_cfft2.mat")
mat_file_Brfreqs = join(DATA_DIR, "Plots/default_proj_Brfreqs.mat")
mat_file_Brwavenumber = join(DATA_DIR, "Plots/default_proj_Brwavenumber.mat")

# Read input files from Manatee
Br = squeeze(ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file_Br, var_name="XBr").get_data())
time = squeeze(ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file_time, var_name="timec").get_data())
angle = squeeze(
    ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file_angle, var_name="alpha_radc").get_data()
MTr_freqs = squeeze(
    ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file_MTr_freqs, var_name="freqs").get_data()
MTr_wavenumber = squeeze(
    ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file_MTr_wavenumber, var_name="orders_circ").get_data()
MTr = squeeze(ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file_MTr, var_name="XPwr").get_data())
Br_cfft2 = squeeze(ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file_Br_cfft2, var_name="Fwr").get_data())
freqs_Br = squeeze(
    ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file_Brfreqs, var_name="freqs").get_data()
wavenumber = squeeze(
    ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file_Brwavenumber, var_name="orders").get_data()

# Plot parameters
freq_max = 13000
r_max = 78

[docs]class tests_plots(TestCase): # @unittest.skip
[docs] def test_default_proj_Br_time_space(self): out = Output(simu=simu) = "Reference" # Build the data objects Time = Data1D(name="time", unit="s", symmetries={}, values=time) Angle = Data1D(name="angle", unit="rad", symmetries={}, values=angle) out.mag.Br = DataTime( symbol="B_r", name="Airgap radial flux density", unit="T", symmetries={}, axes=[Time, Angle], normalizations={"space_order": 3}, values=Br, ) out2 = Output(simu=simu) = "Periodicity 3" = "r--" # Reduce to 1/3 period Br_reduced = Br[0:672, 0:672] time_reduced = time[0:672] angle_reduced = angle[0:672] # Build the data objects Time = Data1D( name="time", unit="s", symmetries={"time": {"period": 3}}, values=time_reduced, ) Angle = Data1D( name="angle", unit="rad", symmetries={"angle": {"period": 3}}, values=angle_reduced, ) out2.mag.Br = DataTime( symbol="B_r", name="Airgap radial flux density", unit="T", symmetries={"time": {"period": 3}, "angle": {"period": 3}}, axes=[Time, Angle], normalizations={}, values=Br_reduced, ) out3 = Output(simu=simu) = "Linspace" = "r--" # Get linspace data t0 = time[0] tf = time[-1] deltat = time[1] - time[0] a0 = angle[0] deltaa = angle[1] - angle[0] Na = len(angle) # Build the data objects Time = DataLinspace( name="time", unit="s", symmetries={}, initial=t0, final=tf, step=deltat, include_endpoint=True, ) Angle = DataLinspace( name="angle", unit="rad", symmetries={}, initial=a0, step=deltaa, number=Na, include_endpoint=False, ) out3.mag.Br = DataTime( symbol="B_r", name="Airgap radial flux density", unit="T", symmetries={}, axes=[Time, Angle], normalizations={"space_order": 3}, values=Br, ) out4 = Output(simu=simu) = "Inverse FT" = "r--" # Build the data objects Freqs = Data1D(name="freqs", unit="Hz", symmetries={}, values=freqs_Br,) Wavenumber = Data1D( name="wavenumber", unit="", symmetries={}, values=wavenumber, ) out4.mag.Br = DataFreq( symbol="B_r", name="Airgap radial flux density", unit="T", symmetries={}, axes=[Freqs, Wavenumber], normalizations={}, values=Br_cfft2, ) # Plot the result by comparing the two simulation (sym / no sym) plt.close("all") out.plot_A_time("mag.Br", is_fft=True, freq_max=freq_max, out_list=[out2]) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_default_proj_Br_dataobj_period.png")) # Plot the result by comparing the two simulation (Data1D / DataLinspace) plt.close("all") out.plot_A_space( "mag.Br", is_fft=True, is_spaceorder=True, r_max=r_max, out_list=[out3] ) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_default_proj_Br_dataobj_linspace.png")) # Plot the result by comparing the two simulation (Data1D / DataLinspace) plt.close("all") out.plot_A_space("mag.Br", is_fft=True, r_max=r_max, out_list=[out4]) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_default_proj_Br_dataobj_ift.png"))
# @unittest.skip
[docs] def test_default_proj_Br_cfft2(self): r_max = 78 freq_max = 2500 mag_max = 0.6 N_stem = 100 out = Output(simu=simu) # Build the data objects Time = Data1D(name="time", unit="s", symmetries={}, values=time) # Angle = Data1D(name="angle", unit="rad", symmetries={"angle": {"period": 2}}, values=out.mag.angle[0:2048]) Angle = Data1D(name="angle", unit="rad", symmetries={}, values=angle) out.mag.Br = DataTime( symbol="B_r", name="Airgap radial flux density", unit="T", symmetries={}, axes=[Time, Angle], normalizations={}, values=Br, ) # Plot the result by comparing the two simulation (sym / no sym) plt.close("all") out.plot_A_cfft2( "mag.Br", freq_max=freq_max, r_max=r_max, mag_max=mag_max, N_stem=N_stem ) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_default_proj_Br_dataobj_cfft2.png"))
# @unittest.skip
[docs] def test_default_proj_surf(self): out = Output(simu=simu) # Build the data objects Freqs = Data1D(name="freqs", unit="Hz", symmetries={}, values=freqs_Br,) Wavenumber = Data1D( name="wavenumber", unit="", symmetries={}, values=wavenumber, ) out.mag.Br = DataFreq( symbol="B_r", name="Airgap radial flux density", unit="T", symmetries={}, axes=[Freqs, Wavenumber], normalizations={}, values=Br_cfft2, ) # Plot the result by comparing the two simulation (sym / no sym) plt.close("all") out.plot_A_surf("mag.Br", t_max=0.06) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_default_proj_Br_surf_dataobj.png"))
# @unittest.skip
[docs] def test_default_proj_compare(self): out = Output(simu=simu) = "Br" # Build the data objects Time = Data1D(name="time", unit="s", symmetries={}, values=time) Angle = Data1D(name="angle", unit="rad", symmetries={}, values=angle) out.mag.Br = DataTime( symbol="B_r", name="Airgap radial flux density", unit="T", symmetries={}, axes=[Time, Angle], normalizations={}, values=Br, ) out2 = Output(simu=simu) = "0.2sin(375t-1.5)" = "r--" # Get linspace data t0 = 0.01 tf = 0.04 Nt = 3000 time2 = linspace(0.01, 0.04, 3000, endpoint=True) # Compute sine function Br2 = 0.2 * sin(375 * time2 - 1.5) # Build the data objects Time = DataLinspace( name="time", unit="s", symmetries={}, initial=t0, final=tf, number=Nt, include_endpoint=True, ) out2.mag.Br = DataTime( symbol="B_r", name="Airgap radial flux density", unit="T", symmetries={}, axes=[Time], normalizations={}, values=Br2, ) # Plot the result by comparing the two simulation (sym / no sym) plt.close("all") out.plot_A_time("mag.Br", out_list=[out2]) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_default_proj_Br_compare.png"))
# @unittest.skip
[docs] def test_default_proj_fft2(self): out = Output(simu=simu) # Build the data objects Freqs = Data1D(name="freqs", unit="Hz", symmetries={}, values=MTr_freqs) Wavenumber = Data1D( name="wavenumber", unit="dimless", symmetries={}, values=MTr_wavenumber ) out.mag.Br = DataFreq( symbol="MT_r", name="Radial stress applying on stator", unit="N/m2", symmetries={}, axes=[Freqs, Wavenumber], normalizations={}, values=MTr, ) # Plot the result by comparing the two simulation (sym / no sym) plt.close("all") out.plot_A_fft2("mag.Br", freq_max=13000, r_max=8, mag_max=50) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_default_proj_MTr_fft2_dataobj.png"))
# @unittest.skip
[docs] def test_default_proj_time_space(self): out = Output(simu=simu) # Build the data objects Time = Data1D(name="time", unit="s", symmetries={}, values=time) Angle = Data1D(name="angle", unit="rad", symmetries={}, values=angle) out.mag.Br = DataTime( symbol="B_r", name="Airgap radial flux density", unit="T", symmetries={}, axes=[Time, Angle], normalizations={"space_order": 3}, values=Br, ) # Plot the result by comparing the two simulation (sym / no sym) plt.close("all") out.plot_A_time_space("mag.Br", freq_max=freq_max, r_max=r_max) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_default_proj_Br_time_space_dataobj.png"))