Source code for pyleecan.Tests.Validation.Simulation.test_EM_SPMSM_NL_001

from numpy import ones, pi, array
from os.path import join
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ....Tests import save_validation_path as save_path

from ....Classes.Simu1 import Simu1
from ....Tests.Validation.Machine.SPMSM_015 import SPMSM_015

from ....Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent
from ....Classes.InputFlux import InputFlux
from ....Classes.ImportGenVectLin import ImportGenVectLin
from ....Classes.ImportMatrixVal import ImportMatrixVal
from ....Classes.ImportMatlab import ImportMatlab

from ....Classes.MagFEMM import MagFEMM
from ....Classes.Output import Output
from ....Tests import DATA_DIR

[docs]def test_Magnetic_FEMM_sym(): """Validation of outer rotor SPMSM Open circuit (Null Stator currents) Machine B from Vu Xuan Hung thesis "Modeling of exterior rotor permanent magnet machines with concentrated windings" Hanoi university of science and technology 2012 Test compute the Flux in FEMM, with and without symmetry and with MANATEE semi-analytical subdomain model """ simu = Simu1(name="EM_SPMSM_NL_001", machine=SPMSM_015) # Definition of the enforced output of the electrical module Nr = ImportMatrixVal(value=ones(1) * 3000) Is = ImportMatrixVal(value=array([[0, 0, 0]])) time = ImportGenVectLin(start=0, stop=0, num=1, endpoint=True) angle = ImportGenVectLin(start=0, stop=2 * 2 * pi / 9, num=2043, endpoint=False) simu.input = InputCurrent( Is=Is, Ir=None, # No winding on the rotor Nr=Nr, angle_rotor=None, time=time, angle=angle, angle_rotor_initial=0, ) # Definition of the magnetic simulation (is_mmfr=False => no flux from the magnets) simu.mag = MagFEMM( is_stator_linear_BH=0, is_rotor_linear_BH=0, is_symmetry_a=True, is_mmfs=False, sym_a=9, ) simu.struct = None # Just load the Output and ends (we could also have directly filled the Output object) simu_load = Simu1(init_dict=simu.as_dict()) simu_load.mag = None mat_file = join(DATA_DIR, "EM_SPMSM_NL_001_MANATEE_SDM.mat") Br = ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file, var_name="Br") Bt = ImportMatlab(file_path=mat_file, var_name="Bt") angle2 = ImportGenVectLin(start=0, stop=2 * pi / 9, num=2048 / 9, endpoint=False) simu_load.input = InputFlux(time=time, angle=angle2, Br=Br, Bt=Bt) out = Output(simu=simu) = "Symmetry" out3 = Output(simu=simu_load) = "MANATEE SDM" = "r--" plt.close("all") out.plot_B_space(out_list=[out3]) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_EM_SPMSM_NL_001_SDM.png"))