Source code for pyleecan.Functions.Plot.animate_as_gif

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import imageio
from os.path import join
from os import remove
from glob import glob
from SciDataTool import VectorField
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots

[docs]def animate_as_gif( func, data_list, save_path="./", file_name="animated_plot.gif", index_var="t_index", index_max=50, index_step=1, component_list=None, **kwargs ): """Animate an existing plot command as a gif: animate Parameters ---------- func : function plot command data_list : Data or [Data] Data object or list to plot save_path : str path where to save the gif file_name : str name of the gif file index_var : str name of the plot parameter along which to animate index_max : int maximum value of the index index_step : int step for the index (number of frames = index_max / index_step) component_list : list list of component names to plot in separate figures kwargs : dict parameters of func """ with imageio.get_writer(join(save_path, file_name), mode="I") as writer: if isinstance(data_list, list): for i, data in enumerate(data_list): if isinstance(data, VectorField): if component_list is None: # default: extract all components component_list = data.components.keys() ncomp = len(component_list) fig, axs = subplots(2, ncomp, tight_layout=True, figsize=(20, 10)) for j in range(0, index_max, index_step): save_path_temp = save_path + "\\temp_" + str(j) + ".png" kwargs["save_path"] = save_path_temp for k, comp in enumerate(component_list): func( data.components[comp], fig=fig, subplot_index=k, **kwargs ) image = imageio.imread(save_path_temp) writer.append_data(image) else: for j in range(0, index_max, index_step): save_path_temp = save_path + "\\temp_" + str(j) + ".png" kwargs["save_path"] = save_path_temp func(data, **kwargs) image = imageio.imread(save_path_temp) writer.append_data(image) else: if isinstance(data_list, VectorField): if component_list is None: # default: extract all components component_list = data.components.keys() ncomp = len(component_list) for j in range(0, index_max, index_step): fig, axs = subplots(1, ncomp, tight_layout=True, figsize=(20, 10)) save_path_temp = save_path + "\\temp_" + str(j) + ".png" kwargs[index_var] = j kwargs["save_path"] = save_path_temp for k, comp in enumerate(component_list): func( data_list.components[comp], fig=fig, subplot_index=k, **kwargs ) image = imageio.imread(save_path_temp) writer.append_data(image) else: for j in range(0, index_max, index_step): save_path_temp = save_path + "\\temp_" + str(j) + ".png" kwargs[index_var] = j kwargs["save_path"] = save_path_temp func(data_list, **kwargs) image = imageio.imread(save_path_temp) writer.append_data(image) for file in glob(save_path + "\\temp_*"): remove(file)