# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ....Classes._ClassInfo import ClassInfo
from .TreeEditModelItems import ObjectItem, UnknownItem
from PySide2.QtCore import Qt, QAbstractItemModel, QModelIndex, Signal
from PySide2.QtGui import QColor, QBrush, QFont
""" from QAbstractItemModel doc:
When subclassing QAbstractItemModel, at the very least you must implement index(),
parent(), rowCount(), columnCount(), and data(). ... in all read-only models ...
[docs]class TreeEditModel(QAbstractItemModel):
objChanged = Signal(object)
dataChanged = Signal(object, object)
def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
super(TreeEditModel, self).__init__(parent)
self._obj = obj
self._class_dict = ClassInfo().get_dict()
self._header = ["Object", "Size"]
self.rootItem = None
self._cache = []
[docs] def setRoot(self):
self.rootItem = ObjectItem(None, "root", parent=None)
[docs] def setupModelData(self, obj, name=None, index=None, parent=None, viewItem=None):
obj : an object (that should be modeled and shown)
parent : a model item
name : name of the property (or the parent that contains the object)
id : list index or dict key if parent object is a list or a dict
if viewItem is None:
if parent is None:
parent = self.rootItem
name = type(obj).__name__
viewItem = ObjectItem(obj, name, index=index, parent=parent)
# prepare the objects properties
props = []
typ = type(obj).__name__
if typ in self._class_dict:
cls_props = self._class_dict[typ]["prop_dict"]
for prop_name, prop_info in cls_props.items():
prop = getattr(obj, prop_name)
props.append([prop, prop_name, prop_info["type"], None])
elif hasattr(obj, "as_dict"):
obj_dict = obj.as_dict()
for prop_name in obj_dict.keys():
if not prop_name.startswith("_"):
prop = getattr(obj, prop_name)
prop_type = type(prop).__name__
props.append([prop, prop_name, prop_type, None])
elif isinstance(obj, (list, dict)):
iter = enumerate(obj) if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items()
for ii, item in iter:
item_name = viewItem.name() + f"[{ii}]"
item_type = type(item).__name__
props.append([item, item_name, item_type, ii])
# create the object properties
for prop, prop_name, prop_type, index in props:
# pyleecan type properties
if prop_type in self._class_dict:
self.setupModelData(prop, name=prop_name, index=index, parent=viewItem)
# list or dict of pyleecan type
elif self.isListType(prop_type) or self.isDictType(prop_type):
child = ObjectItem(prop, name=prop_name, index=index, parent=viewItem)
if prop is not None:
iter = enumerate(prop) if isinstance(prop, list) else prop.items()
for ii, item in iter:
it_name = prop_name + f"[{ii}]"
self.setupModelData(item, name=it_name, index=ii, parent=child)
# base python types
elif self.is_not_tree_type(prop, prop_type):
pass # don't show base types in the tree
# numpy array # TODO only ndarrays with more than 2 dims
elif prop_type == "ndarray":
self.setupModelData(prop, name=prop_name, index=index, parent=viewItem)
# 'normal' lists or dicts, i.e. list or dicts with no pyleecan type
elif prop_type in ["list", "dict"] or isinstance(prop, (list, dict)):
child = ObjectItem(prop, name=prop_name, index=index, parent=viewItem)
if prop is not None:
iter = enumerate(prop) if isinstance(prop, list) else prop.items()
for ii, item in iter:
it_name = prop_name + f"[{ii}]"
self.setupModelData(item, name=it_name, index=ii, parent=child)
# pyleecan compatible types
elif prop is not None and hasattr(prop, "as_dict"):
self.setupModelData(prop, name=prop_name, index=index, parent=viewItem)
# not implemented types
child = UnknownItem(prop, name=prop_name, index=index, parent=viewItem)
[docs] def is_not_tree_type(self, prop, prop_type):
if prop_type in ["float", "bool", "int", "str"]:
return True
if isinstance(prop, (float, bool, int, str)):
return True
return False
[docs] def get_obj_info(self, item):
"""Get some information on the object in the context of its parent."""
obj = item.object()
parent = item.parent()
parent_obj = parent.object()
parent_typ = type(parent_obj).__name__
name = item.name()
index = item.index()
# item must be the root if parent is None
# if parent_obj is None:
# obj_info = dict()
# obj_info["obj"] = obj
# obj_info["parent"] = None
# obj_info["parent_typ"] = None
# obj_info["property"] = name
# obj_info["ref_typ"] = None
# obj_info["index"] = None
# setup object information
obj_info = dict()
obj_info["obj"] = obj
obj_info["parent"] = item.parent().object()
obj_info["parent_typ"] = parent_typ
obj_info["property"] = name
obj_info["ref_typ"] = None
obj_info["index"] = index # list index of dict key in case parent is list/dict
# add 'reference type' if parent is a pyleecan object
if parent_typ in self._class_dict:
props = self._class_dict[parent_typ]["prop_dict"]
obj_info["ref_typ"] = props[name]["type"]
# for lists/dicts get ref. type information from parent (due to model structure)
elif isinstance(parent_obj, (list, dict)):
parent_info = self.get_obj_info(parent)
obj_info["property"] = parent_info["property"]
ref_typ = parent_info["ref_typ"]
if self.isListType(ref_typ) or self.isDictType(ref_typ):
obj_info["ref_typ"] = ref_typ[1:-1]
return obj_info
[docs] def index(self, row, column, index=QModelIndex()):
"""Get the index of the item in the model."""
if not self.hasIndex(row, column, index):
return QModelIndex()
if not index.isValid():
item = self.rootItem
item = self.item(index)
child = item.child(row)
if child:
return self.createIndex(row, column, child)
return QModelIndex()
[docs] def item(self, index):
"""Get the item from the given index."""
if not index.isValid():
return None
item = index.internalPointer()
if isinstance(item, ObjectItem):
return item
print("TreeEditModel: Invalid index")
# TODO add check to 'index' and 'parent' method / test rowcount etc.
[docs] def parent(self, index):
"""Get the parent of the item with the given index. If the item has no parent,
an invalid QModelIndex is returned.
if not index.isValid():
return QModelIndex()
item = self.item(index)
if not item:
return QModelIndex()
parent = item.parent()
if parent is self.rootItem or parent is None or parent.row() is None:
return QModelIndex()
return self.createIndex(parent.row(), 0, parent)
[docs] def rowCount(self, index=QModelIndex()):
"""Get the number of rows of the item of the given index."""
if index.isValid():
item = self.item(index)
item = self.rootItem
return item.childCount()
[docs] def columnCount(self, index=QModelIndex()):
"""Get the number of columns of the model."""
if self.rootItem is not None:
return self.rootItem.columnCount()
return 0
[docs] def data(self, index, role=None):
"""Get data of the given role for the item referred to by the index."""
item = self.item(index)
if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
return item.name()
elif role == Qt.FontRole:
obj = item.object()
is_empty = isinstance(obj, (list, dict)) and not obj
if isinstance(item, UnknownItem) or is_empty or obj is None:
font = QFont()
return font
elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole:
if isinstance(item, UnknownItem):
return QBrush(QColor("#777777"))
elif role is None:
return item.object()
return item.data(role=role)
# check if object has changed and update in case
if not self.isValid(item):
[docs] def isValid(self, item):
"""Check if the view item still represent the respective object."""
ref_obj = self._get_object(item)
if isinstance(ref_obj, (list, dict)):
nb_not_tree = 0
iter = enumerate(ref_obj) if isinstance(ref_obj, list) else ref_obj.items()
for ii, iter_item in iter:
if self.is_not_tree_type(iter_item, type(iter_item).__name__):
nb_not_tree += 1
return True if len(ref_obj) - nb_not_tree == item.childCount() else False
return True if ref_obj is item.object() else False
[docs] def updateItem(self, index):
print("TreeEditModel: Updating.")
item = self.item(index)
new_obj = self._get_object(item)
self.removeRows(0, self.item(index).childCount(), parent=index)
# self.beginInsertRows(index, 0, item.childCount() - 1)
self.setupModelData(new_obj, viewItem=item)
# self.endInsertRows()
self.dataChanged.emit(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex())
[docs] def removeRows(self, row, count, parent=QModelIndex()):
"""Remove the given rows from the model."""
if not parent.isValid():
return False
item = self.item(parent)
self.beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row + count - 1)
# self.beginResetModel()
children = item.children()
for ii in reversed(range(row, row + count)):
child = children.pop(ii)
print(f"Cached removed child '{child.name()}'")
# the object is cached for some time to avoid a crash when the views
# try to get the object via the model index's internalPointer method
# self.endResetModel()
return True
def _get_object(self, item):
Get the object that is referenced by the 'item' indirecly, i.e. from its parent.
parent = item.parent().object()
if item.parent().name() == "root":
ref_obj = self._obj
elif isinstance(parent, (list, dict)):
ref_obj = parent[item.index()]
ref_obj = getattr(parent, item.name())
return ref_obj
[docs] def isListType(self, typ):
return (
typ and typ[0] == "[" and typ[-1] == "]" and typ[1:-1] in self._class_dict
[docs] def isDictType(self, typ):
return (
typ and typ[0] == "{" and typ[-1] == "}" and typ[1:-1] in self._class_dict