pyleecan.GUI.Tools.WTreeEdit.TreeEditModel module

class TreeEditModel(obj, parent=None)[source]

Bases: QAbstractItemModel

setupModelData(obj, name=None, index=None, parent=None, viewItem=None)[source]

obj : an object (that should be modeled and shown) parent : a model item name : name of the property (or the parent that contains the object) id : list index or dict key if parent object is a list or a dict

is_not_tree_type(prop, prop_type)[source]

Get some information on the object in the context of its parent.

index(row, column, index=<PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex(-1, -1, 0x0, QObject(0x0))>)[source]

Get the index of the item in the model.


Get the item from the given index.


Get the parent of the item with the given index. If the item has no parent, an invalid QModelIndex is returned.

rowCount(index=<PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex(-1, -1, 0x0, QObject(0x0))>)[source]

Get the number of rows of the item of the given index.

columnCount(index=<PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex(-1, -1, 0x0, QObject(0x0))>)[source]

Get the number of columns of the model.

data(index, role=None)[source]

Get data of the given role for the item referred to by the index.


Check if the view item still represent the respective object.

removeRows(row, count, parent=<PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex(-1, -1, 0x0, QObject(0x0))>)[source]

Remove the given rows from the model.

headerData(section, orientation, role=PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole)[source]

Get the data for the given role and section in the header with the specified orientation.

staticMetaObject = <PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject object>